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What the Eff is Social Media?
By DBL | June 21, 2009
Anorak’s usual web travels this week uncovered a very straight ‘John Bull’ answer to the title question and why you should be using Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo etc. Recent comments from people I’ve met include, ‘I wouldn’t know where to start’ ‘I’ve got enough to do as it is’ ‘You’ve lost me already’ & ‘I don’t see the point.’
I found the presentation below on the eConsultancy website, one of Anorak’s regular Geeky reads it will give you an idea why you should find out where to start, why you should find the time and what the point really is. It’s only about 5 minutes long so worth a quick look, do you know what your company is missing out on?
Anorak is seeking the rain … in future business … enjoy 🙂
Topics: General Meanderings, General Observations | No Comments »