Recommended Resources
As the Anorak holds conversations with various people regarding eBay on a regular basis. Many questions arise on many subjects that start with, ‘How do I … ?’ or ‘What’s the best …?’
Well, here I’ll be adding a few links to resources I have used personally, have been recommended by others or I think may be of help to you in your quest for better eBay sales.
Finance for the eBay Entrepreneur
I hear often, on eBay for Business visits, in the press and also at events of small businesses unable to find finance for their eBay business.
Banks don’t always get it when it comes to eBay businesses and telling your banking representative who won’t know his TRS (Top Rated Seller) from his ASS (Above Standard seller) that you have ten thousand feedback and TRS status when applying for a short term loan for stock.
Enter IWOCA offering Instant Working Capital for online businesses. They understand eBay businesses and assess your eBay business before lending you money. The beauty is you can pay it off more quickly than you agreed time and save on interest. Interest rates are typically 3-7% per month on the outstanding amount depending on risk. They’ll take some basic information on you company and get back to you sharpish and once approved the money will be with you faster than you can say Buy it Now via Faster Payment Service (FPI)
So for that eBay stock opportunity that you need to buy now or never and don’t have the cash-flow in the time you need it, give these guys a call.
Bling! It
Also, you can Sell More by using Bling! It This nifty bit of software enables you to remove the usual background from your pictures and add a plain white or coloured background using a sort of ‘paint by numbers’ method, it will change your usual eBay pictures into the correct preset size for maximum effectiveness in gallery and within your listing. You can add a different background from another picture too. This gives a professional eye catching picture that will draw people into your eBay listing and create more sales.
The nice people at Bling! It let you have a free 14 day trial to play around with before you decide to buy. I have been using it on my bead photo’s for a while now and it definitely makes your item stand out from the rest.
Anorak Recommends you give it a try by clicking below
GoDaddy for domain registry & hosting, you can build a website here too but I haven’t used this facility (my BlogMum aka Sue from Tamebay hosts this blog for me and a fine recommended hosting service it is too). Register your domain with Go Daddy and in a few simple steps you can have a .com or web address that directs customers to your eBay store. You can put this domain on business cards, flyers, adverts etc, use it for facebook, myspace & tweet it to you followers.
For prices at around a fiver (depending on $/£ exchange rates) for a year it’s worth registering your web address before someone else does, even if you don’t intend using it for a while 🙂
Click this link for
Outright Accounting Solution
Anorak has qualifications in accounting, and you’d think that I’d be on top of all that stuff, well guess what, I wasn’t until I found – Say Goodbye to Accounting. Outright automatically downloads your Paypal and eBay transactions so all you have to do is add any cash expenses. I download every month to an excel file and also print off reports with a click.
So if you want to automate your small business accounting and claim back your nights & weekends this is worth giving the free trial a go. A very US version at the moment but all this means is a dollar sign and US tax date reminders on the front page. I’ve asked the Outright Team and they are working on this but it by no means makes a difference to the usability and the sheer ‘auto-ness’ of everything outweighs the odd dollar sign.
Give it a go 🙂
Best value on parcel delivery?
If you’re looking for the best value of sending your parcel then checkout Parcelchecker is a free to use comparison tool which lets users compare delivery costs on parcels up to 15kg, through tariffs from 11 well trusted UK delivery companies.
It breaks down savings into 4 brackets (1-2 day delivery cost, 3-5 day delivery cost, Weekly Average Saving & Annual Average Saving), also displaying an average user rating in a final column. The most cost effective method will be shown at the top, with the list descending towards the least financially attractive options, so showing you what you really want to see.
Check out:ParcelChecker to find out how much you could save.
Watch this space for more Anorak’s recommended stuff!